
Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme

How-to: Transfer Theme to Live Server Please install the Duplicator plugin when you're moving the theme to a live server.  The plugin will generate a zip file of the entire WordPress installation (WordPress, theme, plugins, settings etc.) and installer file. Bo ...

Change fonts of Physio theme In the theme customizer you can change the fonts of the theme. The options can be found via Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Typography If you want to target elements specifically or need more advanced typographic ...

Add video as background in Elementor In Elementor Page Builder you can add a video (YouTube / MP4) as background on the following way: Edit your page with ElementorAdd a new page builder row at the top of the pageEdit that new page builder rowAt the height set ...

Duplicate a page/post The WordPress CMS don't have a duplicate or clone function so it is recommended to install the following plugin for that:https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicate-wp-page-post/After installing and activating the plugin you can ...

Translating the theme You can translate theme text strings (for example the weekdays) on two different ways: 1. Translate theme language fileYou can translate the theme by editing the included .pot language file with a program like PoEdit. Afte ...

Increase the page speed of my WordPress website To increase the page speed of your WordPress website there are some standard things you can do. 1. Hosting Hosting is a really important key in the page speed of your website. If you run WordPress on a small shared hosti ...

Configure the theme on HTTPS (SSL certificate) To serve your website over HTTPS a SSL certificate is needed. If this is not installed on your server yet please get in touch with your hosting provider. After the SSL certificate is installed there are a few steps to make t ...

Disable Google Fonts and use a Custom Font For the Physio WordPress theme. By default we're using Google Fonts for the typography in the theme. If you prefer to use a custom font you can follow these steps. Please note that it's recommend to use the child theme beca ...

Set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin Before going through the steps make sure you have installed and activated the WP Mail SMTP plugin and have the following details at hand: - SMTP Host- SMTP Port- SMTP Username (the email address that is used in the conta ...

Create alternative menu in page sidebar By default the service pages use the same page sidebar and menu. In some cases, for example if you have a lot of services to display, you want to use alternative menus on some pages. You can do that by following these steps: ...

Navigation font doesn't change with Easy Google font plugin The navigation font need to be adjusted via custom CSS. If you navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS you can paste the following line(s) in to the textarea: The parent links: ...

How to update the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin? 1. What is this plugin? The Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin is used for the slider and page setting option fields in our theme. 2. Update the plugin If there is no direct update link visible please follow these steps to ...

Logo does not show up on my site First make sure you have added a logo image to the logo setting in the theme customizer under Appearance → Customize. If the logo does not show up on your website please follow these steps: Go to Settings → GeneralAt ...

Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted Do you see an 'allowed memory size exhausted' error? This is one of the most common WordPress errors, and can easily be fixed by increasing the PHP memory limit in WordPress. Please follow these steps to increase the PHP mem ...

Change the QT: Featured Page widget image and text Click on "Pages" admin tabEdit the page that you want to display with the Featured Page widgetAt the right side of the page you can change the "Featured Image"At the bottom of the page you can change the "Excerpt" (see scr ...

How-to: Update the theme Download the latest theme version You can download the latest available theme version from the download page of your ThemeForest. Click the "Download" button and select "Installable WordPress files only" for the submenu. ...

Homepage slider is not visible If the slider on the homepage is not visible please check the following points: - Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin is installed and activated under the Plugin tab.- The "Frontpage Slider" template for the page is selected i ...

Contact form is not working It could be possible that the contact form don't send the message of the contact form and you will see a red notice below the form after pressing the submit button. This is one of the most common issues with WordPress and c ...

Theme demo images The images used in our theme demo are coming from a stock photography provider and due to their licensing and copyright of the images we are not allowed to distribute them with the theme.  Below you find a list of all image ...

How to use the call to action widget Add the heading and button(s)1. Click "Edit" to edit the widget2. Add a title3. Add a button with the button shortcode Button shortcode is [button href="http://yourdomain.com"] Text on the button [/button] Add a backgrou ...

Change slider heading font sizes The custom CSS snippets can be added to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSSFor mobile: /* Change slide headings font size on mobile */ @media (max-width: 991px) { .jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-small- ...

How-to: Create Google Maps API key 1.  Go to this link and click the "Continue" button (this could take a minute) 2. Enter a name for your key, click "HTTP Referrers", add the URL of your website and click the 'Create' button  Please use the example ...

Enable lightbox navigation arrows To enable the navigation arrows for images inside the lightbox window please follow these steps: Go to Settings -> MediaMake sure you enable images for Fancybox (first setting)Scroll a bit down to the "Gallery" sectionSwitc ...

Translate customizer settings with the WPML plugin Make sure to have the WPML String Translations plugin installed. -- 1. Go to WPML -> String Translations  2. Click the "Translate texts in admin screens" link at the bottom of the page 3. Scroll to the "+ theme_mods_NA ...

Enable Header / Footer Builder To create a header or footer by using the Elementor page builder you can use the Elementor PRO version which is compatible with the theme. Or, you can install the Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin which is free: http ...

Enable Payments for Booked Appointment plugin The Booked plugin has the ability to enable payments for appointments using the WooCommerce plugin. Basically, it means that you add your service as a product under the "Product" tab on your dashboard and enable the "Booked ...