Public Tickets All Categories Veneer - Construction & Renovation WordPress Theme (0) Proven - Lawyer & Attorney WordPress Theme (7) Cargoly - Logistics & Transportation WordPress Theme (11) Fittlife - Gym & Fitness WordPress Theme (39) Autolane - Car Mechanic WordPress Theme (33) Thermen - Beauty Spa & Wellness Center WordPress Theme (32) The Kleaner - Industrial Cleaning Company WordPress Theme (43) Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme (217) The Landscaper - Lawn & Landscaping WP Theme (81) Tuina_Simo Products order on a pageClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated September 3, 2021 at 1:48pm 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi Simo,The best option is not to use the shortcode but to use the WooCommerce setting to automatically generate your shop/product page.1. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings2. Click on the "Products ... Tuina_Simo Settings of the Blog pageClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated September 3, 2021 at 1:45pm 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi Simo, The blog page isn't actually a page like all other pages. The blog page under the "Pages" tab is basically an empty page that will automatically assign your blog posts to that page, this ... Tuina_Simo Menu title not linked to a pageClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated September 3, 2021 at 8:50am 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi Simo, Sure, you can follow these steps for that: 1. Navigate to Appearance -> Menus 2. Choose the "Main Navigation" from the dropdown field to edit on the page 3. Delete your current "Services" me ... Tuina_Simo Open 'Blog' page on a new tabClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated August 31, 2021 at 12:07pm 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi there,Sure, you can follow these steps:1. Go to Appearance -> Menus and edit the Main Navigation:2. Click on the "Screen Options" label in the very top right corner of the screen3. Enable the "Li ... Tuina_Simo Responsive pageClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated August 31, 2021 at 9:14am 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi Simo, Unfortunately it is technically not possible to change the position of that button, this requires code customization of the template file. Code customizations are not covered by theme support ... ghazia Website stylingClosed The Kleaner - Industrial Cleaning Company WordPress Theme Updated August 11, 2021 at 8:32pm 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi there,Thank you for your message.Could you provide me the link to your website so I can take a closer look? Brittany Lee Biggers Sidebar color editingClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated August 9, 2021 at 11:56pm 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi Brittany,Thank you for your message.You can change these purple colors with the "Secondary color" setting under Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Layout & Colors. drlim Logo change but still dont show even if I use your logoClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated June 30, 2021 at 8:48am 3 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi there,I'm glad to hear you've figured it out.If you have any other questions feel free to open a new ticket. aspirealliedhealth Page title backgroundClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated June 24, 2021 at 7:48pm 2 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi there, Sure, this is possible. When editing a page you can upload/select a page header image at the Header Settings option field below the page builder. Please see attached image. rdiiorio1969 Multiple Issues with ThemeClosed The Landscaper - Lawn & Landscaping WP Theme Updated April 30, 2021 at 7:18pm 4 Most recent comment from Barry:Great! I'm glad to hear that.That's strange.. I just tested this on my local theme installation but could not find anything, the update notice is visible at the top of the admin dashboard. I ... DanHotDogMag Editing the <head> in the main HTMLClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated April 29, 2021 at 2:31pm 8 Most recent comment from Barry:You're welcome Dan!Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. DanHotDogMag Post TemplatesClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated April 28, 2021 at 3:15pm 4 Most recent comment from Barry:You're welcome! I assume you mean opinion? I have never used the duplication plugin from Yoast. There are a couple duplication plugins available and the one I mentioned in my previous reply seems ... gorecwp Slider Heading TagClosed Physio - Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme Updated April 13, 2021 at 9:57am 4 Most recent comment from Barry:You're welcomeIf you have any other questions please let me know. Olivier FFRENCH Category descriptionClosed The Landscaper - Lawn & Landscaping WP Theme Updated April 11, 2021 at 2:46pm 4 Most recent comment from Barry:I see, thank you for clarifying.I agree that there should be an option to display this text as "onpage" text within our theme settings. We will include that within the following update.For now, you c ... seanpearse12 Prevent cropping of featured imagesClosed Thermen - Beauty Spa & Wellness Center WordPress Theme Updated April 15, 2021 at 2:40pm 5 Most recent comment from Barry:Hi Sean,I'm closing this ticket. If you have any questions feel free to open a new ticket any time and I will be happy to help.If you have a moment I would ask if you would like to give us a rat ... 1 345678910111213 43