  Public Ticket #811561
Something wrong


  • Peter started the conversation

    Hello Barry, 

    could you please take a look at this page:http://belfior2016.jardino.ch/index.php/services/flora-fuer-die-fauna/

    Something is wrong there. Although I set all correctly (50% 50% Even) the images are shown below the text in first column. Also in the second row the "Call to action banner" is not shown up". And on homepage the the intro text is also not shown. It shows old introtext which is not present anymore!



  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi Peter

    Probably the widget which contains the images are outside the row of the text. Did you make 1 row with 2 50% width columns and added the text widget to the left column and widget with the images in the right column?

    The call to action banner is shown but there is no background image or color set. You can add that if you edit the row where the call to action banner is placed. Click on the 'Design' panel on the right and add your image/color.

    Do you mean the text from the 'Das ist Belfior' part? That is the demo content text and can be edited by clicking the 'Edit' link of the text widget in the pagebuilder.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    Hi Barry, 

    the problem was that the box for automatic paragraph was ticked.  The leads to an additonal string which has caused the problem. Solved now. Also the missing background for the button is fixed. You've been right. 

    What I mean are the featured page widgets right under the main slider. The text for this is normally taken directly from the page. As you see on homepage the last two widgets are showing English text, instead of German text of the both first one.

    And how can I add lightbox functionality to the images on pages ? 



  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Those texts are coming from the excerpt fields of the specific page. You can see here how to change those texts: Change the Featured Page Widget texts.

    You can add the lightbox functionality to images if you click on the image in the texteditor. Then click on the Edit button in the tooltip menu, and set 'Link to' to 'Media file'.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    Perfect Barry, 

    all working now. Thank you very much and have a nice weekend. 

    Best regards


  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    You're welcome. Have a great weekend too!

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    Hello Barry, 

    where can I change this: http://www.belfior.ch/portfolio_category/unsere-blumenzwiebelmischungen/

    I can't find where I can get rid of this category in the URL. Did not find the site. 



  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi Peter

    Unfortunately this is not possible to remove the portfolio_category. This is the way how WordPress handles posts from custom post types.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    But of course I can rename it.......for sure I think. 

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    That's correct. For now you can change it with a custom function to overwrite the plugins default arguments.

    function portfolioposttype_category_args( array $args ) {
            $labels = array(
                'singular_name' => esc_html__( 'Portfolio Category', 'the-landscaper-wp' ),
            $args = array(
                'labels'        => $labels,
                'rewrite'       => array( 'slug' => 'portfolio_cat_url' ),
            return $args;
    add_filter( 'portfolioposttype_category_args', 'portfolioposttype_category_args' );

    We will add a new option to the theme customizer in the following update where you can rename with portfolio category.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    That's nice Barry, but where I've to put this PHP code? 

    Which file and where? 

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Best option is to install the child theme and add the PHP code to the functions.php file so it won't give a conflict if we add the new function to the customizer.

    After changing the 'portfolio_cat_url' please navigate to Settings -> Permalinks and click the save button make the changes work.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    After changing the 'portfolio_cat_url'....

    And what I've to write there? Any name I want?

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Thats what the url slug would be. Now at default it is:


    And if you change it to, for example, new_category it would be:


    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    Thanks Barry, 

    this is working fine. With another slug I can live, although the URL would be nicer without this. 

    Another question: http://www.belfior.ch/bildergalerie/blumenzwiebelmix-nr-3-krokuswolke/

    There's another category slug. This page (bildergalerie) doesn't exist anymore. Why the slug remains ?

     These are gallery pages. 



  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    You're welcome. That's one 'bad' thing about WordPress that you can't easily change or remove structures from the URL. 

    The given URL is working fine on my side, see attachment. Can you explain further 'Another category slug' ?

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    Normally I'm working with Drupal but it was only your theme that made me using Wordpress ;)

    Yes, it's working fine. But  the title "Bildergalerien" and also this part in the URL. Where does it come from?

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    That's great to hear! :) 

    Probably that one is coming from the Gallery panel in the theme customizer. You can rename the 'gallery' slug there.

    WordPress will add this value before each single post (jn the URL) that's under the 'Gallery' custom post type. Also this is how WordPress handles the structure. You can't simply remove the 'bildergalerien' because then it would be seen as a regular post or page by WordPress and that's not possible for posts in a custom post type.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • Peter replied

    Hello Barry, 

    thanks again for your great help ( at this time!). Until now I didn't find where this comes from, I had formerly a page with this name but I've already deleted it. The next days I'll have a closer look to that. I hope I can find this before Google is indexing this sites. Have a nice evening. 

    Iceland is 2:1 in front. against England! :)

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    If you navigate to Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Gallery and change the value from the attached input field there. Then navigate to Settings -> Permalinks and click the save button the 'bildergalerien' prefix in the URL should be changed to the custom one.

    You're welcome, have a nice evening too :)

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes