  Public Ticket #2239649


  •  1
    pvdberg started the conversation

    Hi i have the slider on my home page but why are the buttons not working its not changing slides at all

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi there,

    Could you provide a link to your website? I need to take a closer look to find out what's going on.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  1
    pvdberg replied


  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    From the front-end source code I see you have a couple additional plugins installed that don't come as default with the theme. Probably one, or more, of these plugins is causing the issue with the default theme slider.

    Can you try to de-activate the following additional plugins and see if the slider work again:

    - Download Manager
    - Bookly
    - IgniteUp

    The Download Manager and Bookly plugin both loads an individual "bootstrap.js" file with different versions to your website right after the default theme one. This is most likely breaking the slider functionality.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  1
    pvdberg replied

    disabled them it works again, but bookly is key that i use that cannot do without.

    ignite up is for lettting people not yet see the website

    and download manager is so people can download sutff

  •  1
    pvdberg replied

    ah found the culprit

    its download manager that makes it not work anymore?

    do you have suggestion or alternative to that one?

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Currently the slider works while the Bookly plugin activated, so it looks like the Download Manager is indeed causing the issue.

    I checked the support forum of this plugin and there should be an option on the settings page of this plugin to disable the Bootstrap files from this plugin. This could be a way to keep using the plugin while the slider functionality of the theme doesn't break.

    If this doesn't work there is no other option then try to use another plugin for this kind of functionality. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with these kind of plugin so this article might help:


    Edit: The settings is called "Twitter Bootstrap", got it from their documentation: https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/doc/settings/basic-settings/

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes