  Public Ticket #1750161
sidebar not showing up after option clicked on in theme


  • kvancio started the conversation

    We wanted a sidebar section on our blogs so that readers can navigate easily from topic to topic and see other posts.

    I've managed to get the sidebar to show up on the "news" page where all of our posts are shown. However, I can't seem to get it to show up on any actual "post pages" no matter what I do.  I looked for about an hour, did what it thought it was, but to no avail on the individual posts themselves.

    The related URL link above https://www.bodyworksdw.com/category/blog/bodyworksdw-studio-news/ is an example of a post page.

    The Blog page itself however is fine, which has the sidebar up:

    Any help would be super appreciated!
    Thank you


  • kvancio replied

    Also forgot to mention- the strange part is within the individual blog posts. The option to add the sidebar at the bottom is turned "on", however this does nothing in bringing up the sidebar on the post's page. No matter what is checked off, it does not show. Please keep me posted on what can be done to show the sidebar in each individual post, as currently it is unable to show for whatever reason. Thank you.

  •  1,728
    Barry replied

    Hi Kevo,

    All underlaying post and pages (category, tag archive) of the blog hierarchy get the page settings of the page that's selected to display the default WordPress blog post loop.

    I see that you're not using the default WordPress post loop but a SiteOrigin widget to display all posts. Because of this all posts do not get the sidebar setting because the default post loop page is missing.

    If you want to keep using the SiteOrigin widget to display the blog posts (most likely you're using this for the layout) you can leave it as it is now, but you need to set a new page as "Post Page" under Settings -> Reading.

    If you change the sidebar settings on this new page all your individual posts will get the same settings.

    To describe this in steps you can do the following:

    - Create a new page (for example News)
    - Navigate to Settings -> Reading
    - Select News at the "Post Page" option
    - Save the settings
    - Navigate to Pages and edit the News page
    - Set the sidebar to the correct position
    - All individual posts will have the sidebar assigned.

    Please let me know if that did the trick.

    Best regards,
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