  Public Ticket #1554606
guidance in how to customise your theme


  • mazmac started the conversation

    I have never used wordpress previously and am having trouble finding a "how to" video in terms of customising your theme.  PLEASE help me as I am ripping my hair out!!

    This was purchased through envato marketing who will provide no help at all! WOW... have I learned a lot!! ...of what not to do next time.  I appreciate that you must have thousands of people asking for guidance and your time is valuable, but so is mine... and a video guiding me through the steps would be a God send...thank you.

    Warm regards

    Maryanne McNeill

    [email protected]

  • mazmac replied

    ps... I tried to import demo data as per your directions... and this is what I received.

  •  1,732
    Barry replied

    Hi there,

    I see you have imported the demo data so the installation process of the theme is completed. But it looks like the imported has run twice. Can you provide me a login to the website? I will go through the settings and make the theme edit ready.

    If you want some more information about editing the theme please see the following links:

    - Getting started with the Page Builder
    - Setting up the appointment calendar
    - Theme Documentation file

    The theme customizer (to change the theme colors) can be accessed via Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options. There are no video's for this as this is very straightforward. All controls are grouped in the related panels and contain descriptions what it will do or change.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • mazmac replied

    Well I would beg to differ Barry.  Absolutely NOTHING about this is straightforward.  Twenty seventeen MIGHT be straightforward , in terms of letting you edit.

    As you can guess this is my first attempt with Wordpress and obviously had no clue there could be so many major variations in what is offered.

    I do not know code...which is why I thought I would buy a template... but it's not a template in the real world sense.

    as per the new ticket I am getting fatal error response so can do NOTHING with the site.

    I thought I would uninstall and try again but that appears not to have worked.

    What login are you after Barry?  the wordpress login??

  •  1,732
    Barry replied

    Hi there,

    No worries, I'm here to help.

    Can you tell me on which page you get the error response? If you could provide me a login to the website I will take a closer look to find out what is causing the issue,

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • mazmac replied

    Hi Barry,

    Firstly, apologies for being rude but I was ripping my hair out... in-between tears :(...and..and...,.

    After being told by everyone who had taken my client's money, that they never offer help!?!?!  It appears that the "fatal error" issue was being caused by the host  Crazy Domains, not having updated their php version? does that make sense to you? lol

    I spent most of yesterday with someone who knows WP and he corrected the problem by uploading the latest version.

    I have also discovered there is a basic "how to" within physio-qt...perhaps for WP dummies like me it might be worth renaming from index to "help guide" or similar?

    Anyway thanks for being so polite and do doubt you will be hearing from me again...sorry !!  :)


  •  1,732
    Barry replied

    Hi Maryanne,

    No problem, I can understand it

    I'm glad to hear the issue is fixed after updating the PHP version on your server. It's probably an issue with the WooCommerce plugin (which our theme is using) and the PHP version. Lately I've seen some messages on developer sites about this.

    I think it's a good idea to rename the documentation file from index to something like help guide, it make total sense, thank you for pointing out. I will write it on our to-do list.

    You're very welcome. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  • mazmac replied

    Okay...ripping the hair out again.  Firstly I would have thought that a template or theme would mean the pages are set up exactly as that template and then i just go in and add/delete text /images as needed.

    I cannot see any of the theme pages carrying through to my site....is that correct?

    secondly..re editing a page.. please see attached graphics

    Seriously this is severely doing my head in... I have been on this for over a week and have gotten nowhere.... surely there must be an easy edit that I am just not seeing?

  • mazmac replied


  •  1,732
    Barry replied

    Hi Maryanne,

    The theme comes with a demo data importer which will create a replica of our theme demo (except for the images). If you navigate to Appearance -> Import Demo Data and press the button the importer will start to import and will show you a text message on the page when it's done. This is a great way to start editing your website because you don't have to build each page from scratch.

    Please note that using the demo data importer when you already start making changes to the theme could create a little bit of a mess in the navigation and widget area's because it will import the data after the existing items. This is not really a big deal because you can easily remove the duplicated items by navigating to Appearance -> Widgets and remove the widgets from the specific panels or by navigating to Appearance -> Menu's and remove the duplicated links from the menu's.

    Let me go through the screenshots, thank you for adding:

    Footer Widgets

    Widgets can not be edited through the theme customizer but via Appearance -> Widgets. To edit the widgets of the footer please open the Top Footer or Main Footer panel where you find the widgets.


    By default WordPress will add the comments section on each page. If you navigate to the Pages tab and click the "Quick Edit" link below the page title in the list you can uncheck the "Allow Comments" checkbox to remove the comment section. Or if you want to do this for all pages at once please follow these steps

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  1,732
    Barry replied

    First of all I don't recommend to use the live editor from the Page Builder. If you want to build your pages it's better to navigate to Pages and then use the page builder grid to add elements to your page. Of course you can choose your way how to edit the theme but it's just an advice

    Table blue bar

    The blue bar is part of the design of the tables. This color is connected to the "Primary Color" settings of the theme customizer (Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Colors / Layout -> Primary Color).

    If you want to change the background color of this element specifically please add the following line of css via Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS:

    .custom-table thead td { background: red; }

    Please change the value red to your own color.

    Image Size

    The image is added inside the "SiteOrigin Editor" widget. Please edit this widget where you will find the image in the textarea. Then click on the image and press the pencil icon to edit the image. A modal will popup where you can change the image size at the "Size" settings. (please see attached screenshots).

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes