  Public Ticket #1240531
Cannot add widgets on new pages


  • valeria_batista started the conversation

    When I create a new page, in the "Text Editor" area I don't see the container where I insert the widgets. For example, in the default page (demo) called "Home", I can see in the text editor area the "Add Widget" button, but not in the new pages I create. It looks like the "Page Builder" feature does not get activated on the new pages. How can I fix this?

  • valeria_batista replied

    Never mind, I just found the "Page Builder" tab on the right corner of the page. Before I was trying to use the wrong page builder (the one appearing besides the  "Text Editor" tab.  

  •  1,732
    Barry replied

    Hi Valeria,

    I'm glad to hear you figured it out

    If you have any questions, please let me know,

    Best regards,
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