  Public Ticket #1196444
Change language of days of the week widget


  •  87
    Olisss started the conversation


    Where can I change the name of the days into spanish language, in the widget of open hours in sidebar? Any archive to do that?



  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi Oliver,

    The opening hours can be translated on 2 ways. With a plugin called 'Loco Translate', which is the easiest way. Or you can translate the included .pot file with a program like POEdit, if you know your way around.

    The steps to translate this are described in this article:

    Translate Theme

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  87
    Olisss replied

    I installed the plugin you said, but then they say this:

    Warning: Loco requires the "mbstring" PHP extension. Ask your hosting provider to install it.

    I will try with my hosting provider.

    But Isnt' there an archive to substitute the 7 english words for 7 spanish days of the week?


  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi Oliver,

    It seems like the plugin requires that PHP extension in order to work. If you want to use the Loco Translate plugin I'll recommend to ask your hosting provider to install/enable the "mbstring' PHP extension.

    There is an alternative to translate text strings, with a program like POEdit. If you can tell me the translated language and translated weekdays I can create a file which you need to upload within the theme folder.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  87
    Olisss replied

