  Public Ticket #1033481
Blog page, no excerpts


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    urbaneatin started the conversation

    Hey, I am unsure where the proper settings are for the blog page. I know how to set a page as the page which displays all posts. But I can only choose between list and grid. And neither look good. They do not use the excerpts, even though that general wordpress "Reading" setting is set to display posts as "Summary". Some old posts are very long (see image). 

    I wouldn't mind using Essential Grid as the way to display posts. See image two. I can make a page that displays this, but can't use it as the posts page, cause it .

    Now once that is fixed, how do I apply that view to all blog category pages? Even if I choose grid view for the blog page, my "General News" page still displays it as a list.

  •  2
    urbaneatin replied

    I should mention the layout works quite nicely on the front page (first link). But not on the blog page (2nd link).



    I realized the "Read more" tag can work well to reduce the length of blog posts. But based on how well it works on the front page, why can't it just do that on the blog page?

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi there,

    The grid and list views of the blog posts have the same functionality. The content can be truncated with the default read more tag:

    The reason why the 'QT: Latest News' widget works different is because the widget is using a custom loop and the grid and list view on the blog page the native WordPress loop to display the posts. 

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  2
    urbaneatin replied

    Hi Barry, well it's frustrating that the theme uses a well-made widget for the front page, but neglects to implement the same functionality in the real blog area and categories. That seems neglectful and rushed for a paid theme, making it look slick for purchase before people realize it's not quite complete. 

    I see now that on the display theme there is a grid view version of the blog's main page, but categories can not be displayed in same grid (correct?). It's really just built for full-width list view with a feature image using the read-more tag stuck in soon after (which needs to be strategically placed for an even 2+col good grid view, making the full-width view in category pages seem too short).

    I would prefer to make use of the grid view for the blog and categories. Is there a way to do this?

    One solution could be: Create a page that makes use of the widgets in page builder. And do NOT make it the WP blog page, it is just a normal page, put on the menu as the blog's main page. The problems: (1) the widget doesn't paginate so you can only display latest news, and (2) it still doesn't apply to the category pages. Any solutions to these two problems? Here's an example: http://urbaneatin.com/news-articles-test-2

  •  2
    urbaneatin replied

    One other issue is that is seems many old posts are not displaying the sidebar on the post's page. Also new posts default to not showing a sidebar. 

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Hi there,

    We prefer to make use of the native/default WordPress functionalities. This is definitely not a situation of neglectful or rushed. The same as we're using the theme customizer for our theme options instead of custom (or 3th party) option panel.  WordPress core developers always recommend to make use of default functions as much as possible, and we respect that. It's all for the long run to keep the theme stable and compatible with WordPress.

    We also liked to use the read more tag for our custom latest news widget. But as described this is a widget that uses a custom loop to display the news posts, as WordPress only have 1 default loop for posts (that's the blog page). If you want to display posts outside of the default loop you need to built your own. And the read more tag won't be usable anymore.

    The blog grid is mainly for the summary of posts, and not for the category/archive pages. If you do want to have the same layout on those pages you can add the following attachment in: wordpress/wp-content/themes/the-landscaper/

    It's correct that the 'QT: Latest News' widget doesn't have a pagination. It was only built for displaying a small amount of posts mainly for the homepage. This widget was not designed and built to function as main WordPress post loop, because in that case the default one become useless.

    Can you provide me a login for this issue "One other issue is that is seems many old posts are not displaying the sidebar on the post's page. Also new posts default to not showing a sidebar"?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes

  •  2
    urbaneatin replied

    Awesome, the archive.php seems to working great, thanks for this solution. 

    Make sense about using native wordpress loops. I've always found the blog layout settings to be annoyingly non-customizable in Wordpress (unlike Drupal). So I had hoped that a nice paid theme would solve that issue. But with this archive.php I am quite content. I'll just have to go through all old posts and add proper 'read-more' tags.

    Will provide login on the other ticket page, in order to look at the default sidebar setting. I suppose If I have to add "read-more" tags to all old posts, I can also click the "show right sidebar" radio button while I'm there. But new posts should default to the right, not hidden.

    Oooo.. just one more small glitch. In the right sidebar, there is the QT Latest Posts List widget. It for some reason is NOT showing the newest post. Even though it is not set to skip any posts.

  •  1,721
    Barry replied

    Great, you're welcome.

    I will check the issue with the 'QT: Latest Post List' widget. Also i will try if I can set the default option for the sidebar to right. Please note that this default setting will also be for the regular pages as the sidebar metabox is a single option box used on post and pages.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask

    Best regards,
    QreativeThemes.com  |  WordPress Themes