
1. Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted

2. Theme demo images

3. Translating the theme

4. How-to: Update the theme

5. Change the QT: Featured Page image and text

6. Add breadcrumbs to your theme

7. Enable lightbox navigation arrows

8. Theme Demo Images

9. Edit the call to action background image

10. Change the QT: Featured Page image and text

11. Navigation font doesn't change with Easy Google font plugin

12. How-to: Create Google Maps API key

13. Logo does not show up on my site

14. Set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin

15. Change slider heading font sizes

16. Import the Essential Grid file

17. WPML translate customizer field

18. Theme demo images

19. Theme demo images

20. Enable Header / Footer Builder

21. Configure the theme on HTTPS (SSL certificate)

22. Homepage slider is not visible

23. Hide rows or elements on different screen size

24. Theme Demo Images

25. Translate customizer settings with the WPML plugin

26. Duplicate a page/post

27. Remove double lightbox window

28. How to update the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin?

29. Theme Demo Images

30. Add video as background in Elementor

31. Create alternative menu in page sidebar

32. Change the QT: Featured Page widget image and text

33. Add your gallery posts to Essential Grid

34. How-to: Transfer Theme to Live Server

35. Theme demo images

36. Change fonts of The Landscaper

37. Increase the page speed of my WordPress website

38. Edit the page heading background image

39. Contact form is not working

40. Change fonts of Physio theme

41. Disable Google Fonts and use a Custom Font

42. How to use the call to action widget

1. Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted

Do you see an 'allowed memory size exhausted' error? This is one of the most common WordPress errors, and can easily be fixed by increasing the PHP memory limit in WordPress.

Please follow these steps to increase the PHP memory. If you're not familiar with this please ask your hosting provider to increase the PHP memory

2. Theme demo images

The images used in our theme demo are coming from a stock photography provider and due to their licensing and copyright of the images we are not allowed to distribute them with the theme. 

Below you find a list of all images used in the theme demo that can be purchased from Adobe Stock:

Entire Collection:

Individual links to the images:


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

3. Translating the theme

You can translate theme text strings (for example the weekdays) on two different ways:

1. Translate theme language file

You can translate the theme by editing the included .pot language file with a program like PoEdit. After translating please export the .po and .mo files which you need to upload in the language folder of the theme (theme-folder/language/). 

For more information please see this link

2. Translate with the Loco Translate plugin

With the Loco Translate plugin you can translate the theme inside your WordPress installation.

Please install and activate the Loco Translate plugin and follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Loco Translate -> Themes (to translate text from a plugin go to Loco Translate -> Plugins)
2. Click on the theme or plugin in the list that you want to translate.
3. Click on the "New Language" link
4. Set your language from the dropdown field
5. Set "Choose a location" to Custom and press the Start Translating button
5. Type the word you want to translate in the search box and click on it when it appear in the list below
6. Write your translation in the most bottom textarea (do not change the default text)
7. Save the settings
8. Navigate to Settings -> General and set the "Site Language" option to the translation language.

You can read this tutorial for more information how to set-up a new translation (screenshots included)

4. How-to: Update the theme

Get the latest theme version

You can download the latest available theme version from the download page of your ThemeForest. Click the "Download" button and select "Installable WordPress files only" for the submenu.

* Before updating the theme it is recommend to create a backup of your website with a plugin like UpdraftPlus.

The theme can be updated on three different ways:

1. Envato Market Plugin

2. WordPress Dashboard

3. FTP Client

5. Change the QT: Featured Page image and text

1. Go to the "Pages" admin tab 

2. Edit the page from where would like to change the image and text

3. At the "Featured Image" and "Excerpt" panels on the right side of the page you can change the content (see screenshot below)

Click image to enlarge

6. Add breadcrumbs to your theme

The Thermen theme is fully compatible with the Breadcrumbs NavXT plugin. If you want to show breadcrumbs in your theme this is the plugin you'll need:

After installing and activating the plugin there is nothing you need to do. It will automatically be displayed right under the page header area on every single page.

And for customization a new panel "Breadcrumbs" is added to the theme customizer under Appearance -> Customize

7. Enable lightbox navigation arrows

To enable the navigation arrows for images inside the lightbox window please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Media
  2. Make sure you enable images for Fancybox (first setting)
  3. Scroll a bit down to the "Gallery" section
  4. Switch "Autogallery" to "All in one Gallery"
  5. Check the box "Show the gallery navigation arrows"
  6. Save the settings

8. Theme Demo Images

Due to copyright of the images used in our theme demo we can't distribute them within the theme. Below you find the list of all images that can be purchased from the stock photography provider:


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

9. Edit the call to action background image

To change the background image of the "Looking for a Cleaning Company, We're in business since 1978" section please follow these steps:

1. Edit the page builder row (click pencil icon)

2. Click the "Design Options" tab

3. Change image under the "Background" color control

10. Change the QT: Featured Page image and text

1. Go to the "Pages" admin tab 

2. Edit the page from where would like to change the image and text

3. At the "Featured Image" and "Excerpt" panels on the right side of the page you can change the content (see screenshot below)

Click to enlarge

11. Navigation font doesn't change with Easy Google font plugin

The navigation font need to be adjusted via custom CSS. If you navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS you can paste the following line(s) in to the textarea:

The parent links:

.main-navigation li a { font-family: Open Sans; }

For the submenu links:

.main-navigation .sub-menu li a { font-family: Open Sans; }

You can change the font-family to your custom one, without using the '' or "" around the names.

12. How-to: Create Google Maps API key

1.  Go to this link and click the "Continue" button (this could take a minute)

2. Enter a name for your key, click "HTTP Referrers", add the URL of your website and click the 'Create' button 

Please use the examples below to add your website. Replace with your domain name. Each in a new input field.


3. Copy the API key you see in the modal.

4. Go to the API Manager and click the "Google Maps JavaScript API"

5. Make sure you click the 'Enable' button. If you only see 'Disable' you can leave the page

If you're using the Physio WordPress theme make sure you also enable the:

- Geolocation API
- Geocoding API

6. Adding the API key to the theme

- The Landscaper
Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Custom and add the API key to the "Google Maps API" input field

- Physio
Edit the SiteOrigin Google Maps widget and add your API key to the "API Key" input field

- The Kleaner
Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Google Mapi API key and add your key there

13. Logo does not show up on my site

First make sure you have added a logo image to the logo setting in the theme customizer under Appearance → Customize.

If the logo does not show up on your website please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings → General
  2. At the "WordPress Address" and "Site Address" settings change the URL prefix from HTTP to HTTPS
  3. Save the settings at the bottom
  4. Navigate to the logo setting under Appearance → Customize
  5. Delete the logo from the setting(s) and re-select it from the media library
  6. Save the settings

Your logo should be visible at this point.

14. Set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin

Before going through the steps make sure you have installed and activated the WP Mail SMTP plugin and have the following details at hand:

- SMTP Host
- SMTP Port
- SMTP Username (the email address that is used in the contact forms on your website)
- SMTP Password (password of above email address)

The SMTP Host and Port details can be found in the email you should have received from your hosting provider.

Configure the WP Mail SMTP plugin (step by step)

1.  Navigate to the "WP Mail SMTP" tab in the admin menu

2.  At the "From Email" setting enter the email address that you're using in your forms

3.  At the "From Name" setting enter the name which emails are sent from

4.  Select the "Other SMTP" option

5.  Enter the SMTP Host (can be found in an email from your hosting provider)

6.  At the "Ecryption" setting select "SSL" (select "TLS" if SSL is not available).

7.  Enter the SMTP Port (can be found in an email from your hosting provider)

8.  Set the "Auto TLS" setting set to "On"

9.  Set the "Authentication" setting to "On"

10.  Enter the SMTP Username (the email address you're using in your contact forms)

11.  Enter the SMTP Password (the password of the email address)

12.  Save the settings

Click to enlarge image

At this point the contact forms should be working. Note that a delay in sending and receiving the message is possible, this depends on the mail server of your domain.

If you still experience any issues please open a support ticket and we are happy to help you.

15. Change slider heading font sizes

The custom CSS snippets can be added to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS

For mobile:

/* Change slide headings font size on mobile */
@media (max-width: 991px) {
    .jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-small-heading {
        font-size: 14px;
    .jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-heading .caption-heading-tag {
        font-size: 32px;

The 14px and 32px values can be changed to your own needs.

For desktop:

/* Change slide headings text size on dekstop */
@media (min-width: 992px) {
    .jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-small-heading {
        font-size: 15px;
    .jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-heading .caption-heading-tag {
        font-size: 40px;

The 15px and 40px values can be changed to your own needs.

16. Import the Essential Grid file

The "ess_grid" file is located inside the "extra" folder of the full downloadable theme folder from ThemeForest. To import the file please follow these steps:

Importing Essential Grid

1. Please navigate to Ess. Grid -> Import/Export

2. Click on the "Import" panel

3. Upload the "ess_grid.json" file

4. Click the small "Read File" button

Importing Essential Grid

5. Click "Import Selected Data" button (please do not click the full demo data button)

The essential-grid file has been uploaded successfully. If the grid is not showing up on your website please follow the steps in this article.

17. WPML translate customizer field

Text fields from the theme customizer can be changed on the admin string translation page of WPML to enable the translations.

Make sure you have the WPML main plugin and WPML String Translation add-on plugin installed on your website.

In the steps below we translate the Gallery Page Title setting from the customizer. If you need to translate a different setting from the customizer you can follow the same steps but in step 3 you need to select that field instead of the gallery title.

1. Navigate to WPML -> String Translations and click "Translate texts in admin screens" text link at the very bottom of the page (screenshot)

2. Scroll to the "+ theme_mods_the-landscaper" link and click on it

3. Check the checkbox of "qt_gallery_maintitle" and scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Apply button (please wait till you see the success message)

4. Navigate back to WPML -> String Translations

5. You will find 2 new rows in the table named "admin_texts_theme_mods_the-landscaper". If you don't see them in the list click on the "All Domains" select field and select them from there

6. If you click on the translations link for each text string the translation fields will appear where you can add your translations.

18. Theme demo images

Due to copyright of the images used in our theme demo we can't distribute them within the theme. Below you'll find a list of all images that can be purchased from


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

19. Theme demo images

The images used in our theme demo are coming from a stock photography provider and due to their licensing and copyright of the images we are not allowed to distribute them with the theme. 

Below you find a list of all images used in the theme demo that can be purchased from Adobe Stock:

Entire Collection:

Individual image links:


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

20. Enable Header / Footer Builder

To create a header or footer by using the Elementor page builder you can use the Elementor PRO version which is compatible with the theme.

Or, you can install the Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin which is free:

After installing the plugin you can create your header/footer under Appearance -> Elementor Header & Footer Builder

21. Configure the theme on HTTPS (SSL certificate)

To serve your website over HTTPS a SSL certificate is needed. If this is not installed on your server yet please get in touch with your hosting provider.

After the SSL certificate is installed there are a few steps to make the WordPress installation and the theme work over HTTPS.

1. Go to Settings -> General

! Important: Before doing step 2 make sure to check if your WordPress dashboard is accessible over HTTPS

2. Change the "WordPress Address" and "Site Address" prefix from HTTP to HTTPS

3. Install and activate the Really Simple SSL plugin 

4. Activate the SSL option under Settings -> SSL.

Check if everything is working correctly on your website. It could be possible that the logo does not show up anymore, in that case delete and re-select the logo in the theme customizer setting.

22. Homepage slider is not visible

If the slider on the homepage is not visible please check the following points:

- Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin is installed and activated under the Plugin tab.
- The "Frontpage Slider" template for the page is selected in the "Page Attributes" metabox

When both points are correct but the slider is still not visible please navigate to the theme folder on your server and check for a duplicated theme folder. You can find the theme folder via:


23. Hide rows or elements on different screen size

By editing a page builder row or a specific element you can use the "Extra class name" input field to hide those element on mobile or desktop for example.

First navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and copy/paste the following CSS code:

@media (max-width: 991px) {
    .hide-mobile {
        display: none !important;
@media (min-width: 992px) {
    .hide-desktop {
        display: none !important;

Then edit the page where you want to hide an element, edit that element and use the "Extra class name" setting.

To hide an element on mobile you can enter "hide-mobile" as class name (visible in the screenshot below)

And to hide an element on desktop you can enter "hide-desktop" as class name.

24. Theme Demo Images

Due to copyright of the images used in our theme demo we can't distribute them within the theme. Below you'll find a list of all images that can be purchased from Freepik.


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

25. Translate customizer settings with the WPML plugin

Make sure to have the WPML String Translations plugin installed.


1. Go to WPML -> String Translations 

2. Click the "Translate texts in admin screens" link at the bottom of the page

3. Scroll to the "+ theme_mods_NAME" link and click on it (where NAME is the theme name)

4. Check the checkboxes of the "featured_button_text" and "featured_button_url" settings

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Apply" button and wait till you see the success notice.

("featured_button_text" and "featured_button_url" can be replaced with any other setting you want to translate from the customizer)

6. Go to WPML -> String Translations again

7. You'll find 2 new rows in the "admin_texts_theme_mods_NAME" table (where NAME is the theme name).

If you don't see them in the list click on the "All Domains" dropdown field and select the settings from there.

8. Click on the translation link of each new setting and the field to translate will appear.

26. Duplicate a page/post

The WordPress CMS don't have a duplicate or clone function so it is recommended to install the following plugin for that:

After installing and activating the plugin you can duplicate a page or post by clicking the "duplicate" link:

27. Remove double lightbox window

The Essential Grid plugin comes with it's own lightbox functionality and therefore you will see 2 lightbox windows after clicking the image in the lightbox grid.

To remove the duplicated window please follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Essential Grid -> Global Settings

2. Set the "Lightbox" option to "3rd Party Lightbox"

3. Save the settings

28. How to update the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin?

1. What is this plugin?

The Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin is used for the slider and page setting option fields in our theme.

2. Update the plugin

If there is no direct update link visible please follow these steps to update the plugin:

3. Final note

It could be possible that the update notice is still showing up after doing above steps. This means that we need to update the plugin version on our side first.

The best option is to wait or if you want to update this plugin immediately please open a ticket and we send you the latest version.

29. Theme Demo Images

Due to copyright of the images used in our theme demo we can't distribute them within the theme. Below you'll find a list of all images that can be purchased from


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

30. Add video as background in Elementor

In Elementor Page Builder you can add a video (YouTube / MP4) as background on the following way:

  1. Edit your page with Elementor
  2. Add a new page builder row at the top of the page
  3. Edit that new page builder row
  4. At the height setting choose "Min Height"
  5. Change the height value to your own needs
  6. Enable "Stretch Section" setting

     Click image below to see step 2 till 6

  1. Click on the "Style" tab
  2. Select the video icon at the background setting
  3. Paste a YouTube video URL in the video link setting

31. Create alternative menu in page sidebar

By default the service pages use the same page sidebar and menu. In some cases, for example if you have a lot of services to display, you want to use alternative menus on some pages. You can do that by following these steps:

First make sure to set the default sidebar under Settings -> Reading by selecting the "Page Sidebar" at the "Default Sidebar" setting.

1. Create a new menu


2. Create a new sidebar location for a page

If you want to display this same custom page sidebar on another page you don't have to create a new one. You can simple choose the already created custom sidebar from the dropdown field above the "enter new" link.

3. Assign the menu to this new sidebar location

Now your new menu should be displayed in the sidebar of the page.

32. Change the QT: Featured Page widget image and text

  1. Click on "Pages" admin tab
  2. Edit the page that you want to display with the Featured Page widget
  3. At the right side of the page you can change the "Featured Image"
  4. At the bottom of the page you can change the "Excerpt" (see screenshot to enable this field)
  5. Save the page

The Landscaper excerpt text

33. Add your gallery posts to Essential Grid

1. Add a few posts under the "Gallery" admin tab and make sure all posts have:

- Post title
- Featured Image
- Gallery Category (not tags)

2. Go to the "Essential Grid" admin tab and click on the purple "Settings" button of the grid you want to edit.

3. Click on "Source" (see image below)

4. Set the "Post Types" setting to "Gallery"

5. At the "Post Categories" setting select all the categories you want to display (hold ctrl button to select multiple)

6. Save the settings in the top right corner

Now all posts from the selected post categories should be visible in the grid.

To add the grid to any page by using the "Essential Grid" widget by using the page builder. Edit the widget and select the right grid you just configured from the dropdown field.

34. How-to: Transfer Theme to Live Server

Please install the Duplicator plugin when you're moving the theme to a live server. 

The plugin will generate a zip file of the entire WordPress installation (WordPress, theme, plugins, settings etc.) and installer file. Both files need to be uploaded to the new location on your server.

You can run the install procedure via Please make sure before you're going through the installer you have created a new MySQL user and database. These details need to be entered half way through the install procedure.

When the installer is completed you will see the login link on your screen and the theme is up and running.

35. Theme demo images

Due to copyright of the images used in our theme demo we can't distribute them within the theme. Below you'll find a list of all images that can be purchased from


There are many free alternatives where you can download and use high quality stock photography for free:

36. Change fonts of The Landscaper

In the theme customizer you can change the fonts of the theme. The options can be found via Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Typography

If you want to target elements specifically or need more advanced typographic controls please install the Easy Google Fonts plugin.

The plugin will add a Typography panel to the root of the customizer (Appearance > Customize). Here you can change the font for headings and content of the theme.

To change the font for specific elements in the theme you need to setup 'custom font controls'. To do this please follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Settings -> Google Fonts 
2. Create a font control. For each font control please enter a reference name, CSS class and click the 'force style' overwrite checkbox. Below you can find the CSS classes for custom elements:

    - Enter the name 'Navigation'
    - Add CSS class .main-navigation li a

    Call to action title
    - Enter the name 'Call to action title'
    - Add CSS class .cta-banner.cta-block .cta-banner-text .cta-banner-title

    Testimonial author title
    - Enter the name 'Tesimonial author'
    - Add CSS class .testimonials .testimonial-person .testimonial-author

3. Please navigate to Appearance > Customize > Typograpghy. You will see 2 panels. In the 'Default Typography' panel you can change the content headings and fonts. In the 'Theme Typography' you will find your custom font controls.

37. Increase the page speed of my WordPress website

To increase the page speed of your WordPress website there are some standard things you can do.

1. Hosting

Hosting is a really important key in the page speed of your website. If you run WordPress on a small shared hosting package it's fine and the theme will fully work but it won't be blazing fast, simply because the resources of shared hosting are limited. If you want a good and fast hosting package we recommend to purchase (managed) VPS hosting.

2. Caching plugin

It's recommend to install a caching plugin for your website. The WP Fastest Cache plugin give the best result for our themes.

After installing navigate to the WP Fastest Cache tab in the admin menu and enable the following settings:

- Caching
- Gzip
- Browser caching
- Delete cache on update post/page

Best is to activate this plugin when you've finished building your website.

3. Scale and compress images

Please make sure you scale and compress images to reduce the size which will result in a faster loading time. You can scale image with an image editor program or with online tools like Pictureresize

To compress images please use the online tool or install a plugin like Smush Image.

4. Limit the amount of content

Please consider the amount and type of content you add to your website. If you add a lot of large and heavy images (see point 3 for this) your page speed and Google Insights score will drop drastically.

Also adding things like a YouTube video or a Google Maps will also slow down the page speed because a lot of extra scripts from these services will be loaded on your website. Only add content that is really necessary for your website.

5. Limit the amount of plugins

Only use the plugins you really need on your website and don't install too many plugins. If you don't need a plugin simple deactivate and delete it from your website.

If you have plugins activated but you're not using them it is still possible that files from these plugins are loaded to your website which will slow down the page speed of your website.

Please note that the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin is required for our themes. 

38. Edit the page heading background image

The page heading image can be changed on two ways:

1. Globally

To change it for the entire website navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Page Header -> Background Image

2. Per page

Or you can change the image only for a page at the option field below the page builder grid

39. Contact form is not working

It could be possible that the contact form don't send the message of the contact form and you will see a red notice below the form after pressing the submit button. This is one of the most common issues with WordPress and contact forms and can be fixed by installing the WP Mail SMTP plugin. 

Before installing that plugin please check these steps first:

1. Go to the "Contact" tab in the admin menu and edit your contact form

2. Click on the horizontal "Mail" tab

3. At the "To" setting enter your email address like:

[email protected]

4. At the "From" setting enter the same email address, but wrapped within < > symbols, like:

Please see the screenshot below for step 2, 3 and 4

5. Save the settings and test if the contact form send out the messages successfully.

If the contact form still don't send out the message the mail server of your domain is most likely blocking the requests and a secure connection is needed, this is one of the most common issues with contact forms and WordPress. 

You can do this by installing and setting up the WP Mail SMTP plugin. After installing the plugin please follow the steps in the article link below:

Set up the WP Mail SMTP plugin

40. Change fonts of Physio theme

In the theme customizer you can change the fonts of the theme. The options can be found via Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Typography

If you want to target elements specifically or need more advanced typographic controls please install the Easy Google Fonts plugin.

The plugin will add a Typography panel to the root of the customizer (Appearance > Customize). Here you can change the font for headings and content of the theme.

To change the font for specific elements in the theme you need to setup 'custom font controls'. To do this please follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Settings -> Google Fonts
2. Create a font control. For each font control please enter a reference name, CSS class and click the 'force style' overwrite checkbox. Below you can find the CSS classes for custom elements:

    - Enter the name 'Navigation'
    - Add CSS class .main-navigation li a

    Call to action title
    - Enter the name 'Call to action title'
    - Add CSS class .call-to-action .call-to-action--content .call-to-action--title

    Icon box title
    - Enter the name 'Icon box title'
    - Add CSS class .content-area .icon-box--title

    Testimonial author name
   - Enter the name 'Testimonial author title'
    - Add CSS class .testimonials .testimonial--author

    Page header title
   - Enter the name 'Page header title'
    - Add CSS class .page-header--title

    Page header subtitle
   - Enter the name 'Page header subtitle'
    - Add CSS class .page-header--subtitle

3. Please navigate to Appearance > Customize > Typograpghy. You will see 2 panels. In the 'Default Typography' panel you can change the content headings and fonts. In the 'Theme Typography' you will find your custom font controls.

41. Disable Google Fonts and use a Custom Font

For the Physio WordPress theme.

By default we're using Google Fonts for the typography in the theme. If you prefer to use a custom font you can follow these steps.

Please note that it's recommend to use the child theme because you need to make changes to the functions.php and style.css file. When not using a child theme your changes will be overwritten when you will update the parent theme.


1. Add the following line to the bottom of the functions.php file:

/* Remove Google Fonts */
function physio_remove_google_fonts() {
    wp_dequeue_style( 'physio-qt-fonts' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts','physio_remove_google_fonts', 20 );

2. Upload your font files somewhere on your server, recommend to upload outside the WordPress folder.

3. Add the following CSS to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS:

@font-face {
    font-family: Roboto;
    src: url(http://yourdomain/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf);
    font-weight: normal;

Make sure to replace the font-family name, in this case "Roboto", to the font you're going to use. Also update the src path to the location of the font file on your server.

Check if the font file is .ttf or .woff and change the extension as well.

4. Now that the font file is loaded you have to use custom CSS to actually change the fonts in the theme to the custom font. You can add the following CSS to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS:

Change the fonts that use the "Nunito" font by default:

.main-navigation > li > a,
.testimonials .testimonial--author,
.call-to-action .call-to-action--content .call-to-action--title,
.counter .counter--text .counter--number {
    font-family: 'Nunito';

Change the fonts that use the "Open Sans" font by default:

.main-navigation .sub-menu li a,
.jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-small-heading,
.featured-page .featured-page--image .featured-page--overlay .overlay--center span,
.brochure span,
.news-posts-block .widget-title a,
.panel-group .panel .panel-heading .panel-title a {
    font-family: 'Open Sans';

In both CSS snippets make sure to change the font-family name to the name you've set in step 3.

42. How to use the call to action widget

Add the heading and button(s)

1. Click "Edit" to edit the widget
2. Add a title
3. Add a button with the button shortcode

Button shortcode is [button href=""] Text on the button [/button]

Add a background image

4. Hover the wrench icon of the page builder row (not from the widget)
5. Click "Edit Row"
6. Click the "Design" panel
7. Add your background image
8. Set the "Background Image Display" option to "Cover"
9. Click the "Layout' panel
10. Set "Row Layout" option to "Full width stretched"

Click to enlarge the image

Click to enlarge the image